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Based in Italy, NEROCROMO MUSIC is an independent record label dedicated to promoting an extensive variety of international bands and artists.
NEROCROMO MUSIC also offers full-service promotional solutions, strategic consulting and marketing services.
Is very recent the agreement that was signed with DeFox Records to join forces and build a strong synergy to launch quality music.
In an effort to organize the variety the bands and artists represented, NEROCROMO MUSIC has acquired several sub-labels to help categorize and distinguish each production by musical genre.
The division of NEROCROMO MUSIC that is dedicated to Hard Rock, Progressive Rock and Heavy Metal music is HEART OF STEEL RECORDS, well known label founded in 2007 by producer Mirko DeFox.
More recently, NEROCROMO MUSIC added yet another sub-labels to their list, this time to honor the Extreme Metal genres, called INVINCIBLE RECORDS, and to promote the Gothic-Dark, GlamPunk, Postrock, Experimental genre the label called BUBBLE BLOOD RECORDS, for the Brit Pop, Alt Rock genre the label called BRIT BEAT RECORDS, for the melodic rock, pop and mainstream music genere the label called EUR RECORDS.
According to the official site, HEART OF STEEL Records is always searching for album masters from the golden 80's for re-release as well as new talented bands from the Classic-Power-Heavy Metal and Melodic Hard Rock genres.
Nerocromo Music - Qu.Bi Media
Palazzo Valmarana Braga (http://www.palazzovalmaranabraga.it/)
C.so Fogazzaro 16 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy
SEND your physical promo:
Nerocromo - Casella Postale 790 - 36100 Vicenza Centro, Italy
NEROCROMO MUSIC intende valorizzare e far crescere tutti gli artisti, non solo emergenti, conducendoli a superare i limiti dell’approssimazione e della scarsa considerazione che spesso e purtroppo riscontrano nel mondo discografico.
E' prioritaria la promozione dei prodotti utilizzando innovazioni tecnologiche per divulgare la musica che spesso non trova spazio nelle multinazionali del settore.
Per questo NEROCROMO MUSIC si serve di partners nell’ambito dell'advertising a vari livelli, ufficio stampa, giornali, radio, TV, internet, ecc.
NEROCROMO MUSIC amplia il repertorio acquisito con l’utilizzazione e lo sfruttamento editoriale dei brani utilizzandoli come sottofondo, in pubblicità, musiche da film, documentari, TV, DVD ecc.
La scelta di occuparsi di tutti i generi musicali dalla Classica alla New Age, dall’Elettronica al Rock Italiano, dal Jazz/Fusion all’Hard Rock e Metal, indica la volontà di una visione completa delle realtà artistiche senza mai perdere di vista i contenuti culturali.
Restiamo a disposizione per eventuali spiegazioni e delucidazioni. Saluti,
Mirko Galliazzo A&R Label Manager
or nerocromomusic[@]gmail.com
Nerocromo Music Publishing - Qu.Bi Media Headquarters
Palazzo Valmarana Braga (http://www.palazzovalmaranabraga.it/)
C.so Fogazzaro 16 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Per corrispondenza spedire a :
Nerocromo - Casella Postale 790 - 36100 Vicenza Centro, Italy
WEB CONTACT :..........................................................
Official site : http://music.nerocromo.com
Official site : http://nerocromo.nlz.it/
Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/
Official site : http://defox.nlz.it/ (Creative Lab)
Official Blog : http://defoxrecords.blogspot.com/
Linked In : http://it.linkedin.com/in/defoxrecords
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/groups/defoxrecords/
**Picture courtesy of PH.Denis J.Axl
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